Miss Tingting Du

Master student (2017 - )

E-mail: tingtingdu@webmail.hzau.edu.cn

Office: Plant Science Building C303

Research Interests: nocturnal transpiration; efficiency vs safety in leaf level


Tingting Du, Ping Meng, Jianliang Huang, Shaobing Peng and Dongliang Xiong. Fast photosynthesis measurements for phenotyping photosynthetic capacity of rice. Plant Methods (Accepted)

Xiaoxiao Wang#, Tingting Du#, Jianliang Huang, Shaobing Peng and Dongliang Xiong. Leaf hydraulic vulnerability triggers the decline in stomatal and mesophyll conductance during drought in rice (Oryza sativa). Journal of Experimental Botany (online) (#co-first authors)