Miss Xiaoxiao Wang

Ph.D. student (2019 - )

E-mail: wangxx@webmail.hzau.edu.cn

Office: Plant Science Building C303

Research Interests: Coordination of morph-anatomy and functions in crops under drought conditions


Xiaoxiao Wang, Wenchang Wang, Jianliang Huang, Shaobing Peng & Dongliang Xiong. (2018) Diffusional conductance to CO2 is the key limitation to photosynthesis in salt-stressed leaves of rice (Oryza sativa) Physiologia Plantarum. 163, 45-58.

Xiaoxiao Wang#, Tingting Du#, Jianliang Huang, Shaobing Peng and Dongliang Xiong. Leaf hydraulic vulnerability triggers the decline in stomatal and mesophyll conductance during drought in rice (Oryza sativa). Journal of Experimental Botany (online) (#co-first authors)

Xiaoxiao Wang, Jinfang Zhao, Jianliang Huang, Shaobing Peng & Dongliang Xiong (2022) Evaporative Flux Method of Leaf Hydraulic Conductance Estimation: Sources of Uncertainty and Reporting Format Recommendation. Plant Methods. 63

Xiaoxiao Wang,Jianliang Huang, Shaobing Peng & Dongliang Xiong (2022) Leaf rolls before stomata closed under drought in rice (Oryza sativa) Submitted